Yelp desktop homepage

Yelp is a customer review forum that has become quite an asset for business owners. If your business is found on Yelp, it can boost your Houston SEO ranking while also giving you direct access to the opinions your customers have of you. When used wisely, Yelp helps you as a business owner improve your product/service and strengthen your brand, making it a valuable component of your Houston digital marketing strategy. Here are the last few steps you should take if you want to be successful on Yelp and expand your business. If you haven't yet, please read Part 1 and Part 2 of our Houston Business Owner's Guide to Success on Yelp.

Step 8: Get Comfortable With Your Yelp Dashboard

When you create a business page on Yelp, you are provided with what is called a dashboard. Your Yelp dashboard is essentially an analytics hub that provides in-depth data on how your Houston SMB is doing. With the dashboard, you can track things such as visitor traffic, search results, and user behaviors so you are able to understand what people do on your page when they get to it. 

Step 9: Stay Active on Your Yelp Page

Similar to Google and Houston SEO, activity is really the key to ranking well, but taking shortcuts to try and cheat the algorithm will only result in your page being penalized, which will hurt its ranking. 

How can you stay active on Yelp? It’s kind of different than staying active on your Houston website, which we take care of by regularly posting new content. The best way to remain active on yelp and signal to search engines that your page is worth being shown in search query results is by interacting with page visitors. This means regularly responding to customer reviews–both good and bad. It also means making frequent announcements and offering special deals through the platform. Ever seen those offers that say “Check in on Yelp and receive 10% off?” Those are a great way to encourage new visitors, but also check-ins, which may boost your ranking on Yelp.

INFINI Will Help You Combine Yelp with Houston Web Design for a Powerful Houston Marketing Strategy That Expands Your Business

If you invested in beautiful and effective Houston web design, then you probably understand why modern website design is crucial to your modern marketing (and digital marketing) strategy. But by incorporating Houston social media marketing, such as through Yelp, you can reach a wider audience and expand your business. If you would like to be successful on Yelp, please contact us. We will discuss your goals and develop a custom strategy.