Marketing Newsletters Help Bring in New Customers and Expand Your Houston Business

To some, email newsletters may seem old-school and therefore come across as an ineffective facet of their overall marketing strategy. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In addition to our Houston SEO strategies, email newsletters are a tried and true method for targeting new customers by strengthening your brand.

Did you know that 81% of small business owners rely on email marketing as their main way of targeting new customers; 80% of small business owners rely on email marketing as a way to keep their current customers coming back for more, and 83% of B2B content marketing takes place in the form of newsletters. In other words, email marketing works, and quality email newsletters are still impactful today.

Target New Customers by Strengthening Your Brand

Good marketing is all about strengthening your brand and communicating its strengths to your current and new customers through the content you create.

The great thing about picking a single topic and writing about it in your newsletter, or, alternatively, sharing snippets of different blog posts and letting your subscribers click on what they are most interested in reading, is that this kind of content offers plenty of opportunities for you to showcase all that your brand has to offer, your expertise, why your current customers should stay with you, and why new customers should turn to you. However, this doesn’t mean you can post about whatever interests you personally. You must put your customers first and write blogs or articles that provide value to them.

For example, if you are a B2B company that specializes in software applications, it’s a good idea to write about different applications that are useful or popular for your target market, while simultaneously highlighting your products, as well as different success stories about your clientele. If you are a B2C jewelry store, your target market will find immense value in blogs and articles about current trends or style guides. Be sure that you can successfully incorporate your own jewelry selection into the content you write, as well.

Following these practices builds credibility and improves upon your current credibility, which quickly strengthens your brand in the eyes of a lead that may be indecisive and on-the-fence about doing business with you.

INFINI Marketing Can Develop a Successful Email Marketing Strategy For Your Houston Business

Your customers wish to do business with people they trust, and email newsletters are a fantastic way to build trust. If you would like to incorporate email marketing into your overall strategy, then please contact us. With the right content marketing within your newsletters, you can effectively strengthen your brand and promote it in an honest matter, encouraging new leads to resonate with you and become loyal customers.