Business man reviewing his blog and evaluating content marketing and SEO strategies

Today, it is not uncommon for businesses to add a blog feature to their Houston website design and share their knowledge in a way that is straightforward and easy for their customer base to understand. It's a great content marketing tactic, so this post will give you 3 reasons why your Houston business should blog.

1. Establish Your Company’s Expertise In The Industry

Standing out from the competition and proving yourself to your target audience is hard enough as it is, and to make things worse, your competition is trying to do the exact same thing. However, one way in which you can stand out is by sharing your expertise on topics relating to your industry. Offer your two cents on current news and answer common questions your target audience may ask. Perhaps consider offering advice, too. Not only does this make you appear more approachable, but when your website visitors are determining whether they should convert into your customer, your informative blog posts will show them that you know your stuff.

2. Improve Your General SEO And Local SEO Ranking

Local SEO is crucial to the success of your brand. Without a proper SEO strategy, your target audience will have a hard time finding you in the first place. Search engines such as Google deliver their search results based on an index. “Bots” take care of indexing every single page on the web and will deliver the pages that are most relevant to a search query. Where you appear in search results depends heavily on how reliable and trustworthy you appear to the search engine’s algorithm. Regularly updating your website signals to Google and other search engines that you have new, interesting content and are worth showing up earlier in search results. Of course, SEO guidelines must be properly adhered to and our Houston marketing agency, which is a certified Google Partner, will ensure your blog only follows White Hat SEO guidelines.

3. Give Your Brand A Human Voice

Blogging gives you a chance to not only offer value to your target but to also show your personality. Although doing so in person can be easy, doing so in writing can be a bit more difficult. It will take quality writing and fresh ideas to offer some kind of voice behind your name. This helps your human readers feel like they know you better beyond their computer screen. In turn, you will be far more approachable and trustworthy.

INFINI Marketing in Houston Can Help Your Business Stand Out With Great Content Marketing

If you would like to establish your industry expertise, improve your SEO rank, and share your brand’s personality, then please contact us. We will work with you to write, plan, and publish content in order to help your ideal customers find you more quickly than they would the competition.